A Dive Into Art from the Center of the Heart
Dates : Saturday, September 14, 2024 – Monday, national holiday, January 13, 2025

Welcome to a blissful experience of art!
The industrialist Rokuro Hara collected traditional Asian art during the early Meiji period. Over a century later, his great grandson Toshio Hara amassed over a thousand pieces of contemporary art. These works spanning centuries of art history now comprise two major collections showcased under one roof at Hara Museum ARC. Here, the works with their unique characteristics and historical backgrounds dialog and vie with one another to provoke new discoveries and fresh insights for both first time and repeat visitors.
Exhibition Overview
The present exhibition is the second part of a year-long exploration of the ideas that surround the word “center.” The first part, under the title A Shout Out for Art from the Center of Japan, placed the spotlight on Hara Museum ARC’s role as a transmitter of art to the world with a perspective informed by its place at the geographical center of Japan. This second part places the focus on the actual experience of the viewer itself. As implied by the title, A Dive Into Art from the Center of the Heart, this exhibition invites visitors to not only look with their eyes, but to dive into art with all of their senses in order to discover pathways that connect to their hearts.
Contemporary art is often thought to be something that cannot be enjoyed without specialized knowledge. But most art still depends on the physical senses for their intended effect. In this exhibition, those senses are represented by the word “taste.” In the metaphorical sense, we “taste” the world (not only food!) with our senses and make judgments based on our feelings. The expression “personal taste” suggests art is a highly personal experience based on cues that we must process with our bodies and our minds. This exhibition invites you to leave your preconceptions behind and to trust your senses. In the world of contemporary art, all interpretations are valid and no interpretation is wrong.
How did a work make you feel? Was it uplifting, interesting, fun or beautiful? Or was it difficult, sad or frightening? There are myriad ways to feel about art, all of which depend greatly on the conditions surrounding the encounter. Does knowing about the artist, the technique or the historical context add to or detract from the experience? This exhibition suggests that all feelings have their justifications, but also that letting go of preconceptions might open your mind to something new and unexpected.
We hope during your visit that you will experience a wide range of feelings: confusion, arousal, curiosity or perhaps the urge to take a photo of something that captivates and touches your heart.
Theme and Featured Works by Gallery (slated)
■Gallery A: From a Distance
Max Stricher, Kae Masuda, Izumi Kato, Tadanori Yokoo, Toeko Tatsuno, Katsuro Yoshida, Kumi Sugai, others.
■Gallery B: With Fresh Eyes
Richard Serra, Tomoko Yoneda, Jasper Johns, Kohei Nawa, Lai Chi Man, others.
■Gallery C: Diving into the Senses
Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Miran Fukuda, Yayoi Kusama, Roy Lichtenstein, others.
■Kankai Pavilion: Immersion
Jasper Johns, Tabaimo, Kano Tanyu, Maruyama Okyo, others.
■Permanent Installations
Yayoi Kusama, Mirror Room (Pumpkin)
Yoshitomo Nara, My Drawing Room
Tatsuo Miyajima, Time Link
Tabaimo, Midnight Sea
Yasuhiro Suzuki, Bench of the Japanese Archipelago
Yasumasa Morimura, Rondo (Twins)
Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Tomato Soup
Olafur Eliasson, Sunspace for Shibukawa
Jean-Michel Othoniel, Kokoro
Related Events (slated)
■Guided Tour of Outdoor Works
Time and dates: 11:00 on Sunday, September 22, Saturday, October 5
Duration: approx.60 min.
Participation fee: 500 yen
Capacity: 10
■Meet the Artist: Tabaimo
Time and date: 16:00-17:30 on Sunday, October 13
Location: Café d’Art
Capacity: 80 (slated)
■Open-View Storage Guided Tour
Time and date: 11:00 on Sunday, November 3
Duration: approx. 40 min.
Participation fee: 1000 yen
Capacity: 5
*This normally members-only event is open to the general public as well.
■Guided Tour by the Curator in Charge
Time and date: 13:30 on Saturday, November 3 Duration: approx. 60 min.
Participation fee: 500 yen
Capacity: 10
■Interactive Art Appreciation Session (Cooperation: Interactive Art Viewing Lab)
Time and date: 11:00 on Saturday, November 9 Duration: approx. 60 min.
Participation fee: free
Capacity: 10
■Free Admission for Educators
Teachers at any educational facility will be admitted free of charge from December 23 (Mon.) to December 29 (Sun.). *Persons wishing information about the current exhibition and museum facilities are requested to contact the museum in advance.
*In Japanese only.
The List of Works(until 13, November)
The List of Works
Manpukuya Mogumogu on Roy Lichtenstein
*Exhibited items in the Kankai Pavilion are subject to change during the exhibition period.
*Please click here for the exhibition details.
- Hours
9:30 am – 4:30 pm (Admission until 4:00 pm)
- Closed
Thursdays (open on January 2), January 1
*Closed in winter from January 14, 2025 to mid-March- Admission
General 1,800 yen, 70 and over 1,500 yen, University and high school students 1,000 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 800 yen
*Advance online tickets (date-specific)
*Free for Hara Museum ARC members, free for elementary and junior high school students in Gunma prefecture on Saturdays when school is in session.