

Report: Summer Vacation Workshop at Hara Museum ARC: Let’s Make Art Fans! 2023

This summer, Hara Museum ARC held two fan making workshops.

July 15 (Saturday), 2023
Let’s Make Art Fans Using a Wax-Resist Method!

Natsuki Otake, an artist hailing from Tomioka City, Gunma prefecture, held a fan-making workshop using a wax-resist dyeing method. Although Otake has held workshops at many museums before, this was the first one to make fans. So, in order to ensure beautiful results in the limited time of the workshop, she consulted with the museum on numerous occasions about the selection of materials and process in advance of the actual event.

The workshop began with the participants visualizing the positioning of the wax using a dye called “aoka” used for making sketches.

They then laid down the outline with melted wax and applied dye within the boundaries. Otake advised the participants on the layering of colors and the use of water for blurring as they worked diligently on their images.

Once dyed, the fabric was removed from the wooden frame, sandwiched between newspapers and heated with an iron to remove wax. The fabric was then coated with a fixer and allowed to dry.

After a short time had passed, the fabric was gently washed in cold water to remove residual chemical or wax. Exposure to high temperatures causes the colors to come alive. Otake says, “This is my favorite part of the dying process. It’s too bad that people couldn’t see it.” *This part of the process was done by Otake in a space at the back of the museum.

Comparing before and after, the colors have clearly become brilliant. With the removal of any remaining moisture from the fabric, the back was positioned over and attached to the ribs of the fan with adhesive to complete the process.

Unique creations were produced by both the morning and afternoon sessions.

Event Information
Date & Time: July 15 (Sat.), 2023 10:00 / 14:00
Duration: approx. 120 minutes
Venue: In the corridor at Hara Museum ARC
Target age: Elementary school students and older
*Due to the use of scissors and an electric iron, children younger than elementary school age were required to be accompanied by an adult.
Participation fee: 2,000 yen

Report/July 22 (Sat.), 23 (Sun.), 24 (Mon.)
Workshop: Let’s Make Art Fans!


The week following the wax-resist dyeing session, we held three days of workshops in which participants made fans with washi that they freely dyed.

Washi paper that had been folded was applied with dyes that bled into each other to produce a variety of colors.

One of the great things about the workshop was that all ages from children to adult were welcome to join in. Our intent in planning the workshop was to give them a chance not only to “view,” “know,” and “learn” about art, but also to enjoy “creating” and feeling closer to art. The increase in repeat participants each year is another happy fact.

Thanks to this workshop, held in the corridor where cool highland breezes blow even in the middle of summer, many left with a fond memory of viewing art and spending a summer day at the museum. Thank you all for your participation this year.

Last year’s report: Summer Vacation Workshop: Let’s Make Art Fans! 2022

Event Information
Date & Time: July 22 (Sat.), 23 (Sun.), 24 (Mon.)/ Three sessions per day at 10:00 / 13:00 / 15:00
Duration: Approx. 40 minutes per session
Venue: In the corridor at Hara Museum ARC
Target age: No age limit.
Participation fee: 600 yen (cash payment only; museum admission not included)